Monday, July 1, 2019

Republic Poetry - Independence Day (2019)

[Independence Day 2019] #July4th

Republic Poetry by Mark H. Pillsbury

You know what they say:
Death and taxes, you’re gonna pay,
Even if you submitted a delay
It comes due, one of these days.

How many times will you take a deduction?
The accountant makes it into a production.
Tax cut, if you follow the instructions
Your aggregate payment is under reduction.

If not April, then October
Calculate the return while you are sober.
Lower payments assist the voter
Causing some Dems even, to crossover.

Trump raises more money than all other candidates combined
His rallies are attended by patriots, although unrefined
They aren’t blue-blood Republicans, more the Libertarian kind
Finally, a nominee they can get behind.

Judges who follow the straight-and-narrow
Regulations cut down to the marrow.
Federal taxation focused on “las rebajas”
Immigration debate about renewing DACA.

e – pluribus – u – Num
out of many, One!
Based on a con-sti-tu-Shun
First, I’m an Ameri – Cun

We the people, shouldn’t fear gov’t. – this I know
Gov’t. should fear the people, for its powers they bestow.
First ten amendments are the Bill of Rights:
They are types of likes, retained and concise – liberty's light!

The Constitution limits government, in writing
At least there’s Kavanaugh & Gorsuch on the bench, fighting.
A sacred document protecting the people’s freedoms
Not a big fan of federal judges, unless you need ‘em.

Most of all we lead in oil & gas exports
Competition for this commodity is bloodsport.
Energy independence - for national security,
The middle east no longer dominates w/this disparity.

So as I contemplate using a 1040 form, either short or long,
I work and whistle this simple little song:
"You are beautiful from sea to shining sea,"
America, the city on a hill; God shed His grace on thee.

For 243-years we’ve tested the Republic,
The Declaration of Independence, glad it was published.
Wars, depressions, scandals, and elections
Be careful next year as you make your selections.
Choosing the leaders is the consent of the governed
With thoughtful discernment and prayer, it should be covered.
The President wants a return to former glory,
The other party is a conflicted story.

Liberals, greenies, socialists, borders, and abortion
So many candidates, their agenda is in torsion:
Make gov’t. a bigger part of your life;
And give Pres. Trump 2 more years of strife!

Bernie will cancel your college debt
Paying back your loan is something to forget.
Wall Street will pay (but they don’t know it yet?)
A new way of life; the socialist mindset.

Platforms, planks, positions, sidebars
Spanish-speaking is the newest debate-spar.
It takes their eyes off of who they really are,
Companions in shipwreck, not guiding stars.

We the people established the constitution
In order to form a more perfect union
I don't know Donald J. Trump's position
It's more important there's no collusion?

Are my truths here, self-evident?
The three branches must both collaborate and fight:
That's right. As consequential as the President.
None of this is taught in university,
They're too worried about diversity.

Why do immigrants come to our shore?
They are looking to provide even more
Those of us who vote, you know it from before,
In 2020, it comes down to this classic score:

Are you better off than before?

The Trump Train, pulling out from the station
Citizen-voters jump-on, all over the nation.
These verses were written after contemplation
“Keep America Great” is the exclamation!

2019©Mark H. Pillsbury 

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