Saturday, September 14, 2013

After Night #2 in Dallas... 30th High School Reunion

Thoughts on Night Two of the Class of 1983 High School Reunion

Blogging “real-time” from my 30th reunion has been fun, and I want to thank you, faithful reader for telling me you enjoyed my writing. Greater thanks to all the volunteers directed by our class officers who pulled off this amazing weekend.

After two nights on the story, there is still a little left to tell. With a wooden head and raspy voice, I sit back down to report the Class of 1983 is alive and well:

Again, love dominated the emotional mood last night at the Stoneleigh P. Although the crowd was slightly different, the vibe stayed the same: no one with whom I talked bounced around the truth with B.S. The sensible “three-day” process played out brilliantly; allowing all of us the opportunity to speak with many different classmates, and enough time to dig a little deeper.

The emotional notes of the evening were played with such care, reminding me of a virtuoso hunched over a piano: Coldplay’s Chris Martin, Peanuts’ Linus, or even Mozart. Delicately touching the keys, softly playing the notes of each other’s stories; it was a beautiful performance.

Scattershooting, while wondering where are Fronterhouse, Krebs, or Holmes, or Hamlin?
  • I heard about trumpets, toddlers, teens, and theology
  • I watched some very bored spouses, trudging valiantly through the hours 
  • Did you know about a couple of romances that just got started between classmates?
  • Talked about love and loss, and those who won’t be present tomorrow; like Patrick or Alex
  • Texas towns are as different as siblings, both very similar and yet independent; classmates came in from all over the state!
  • I learned about a couple of grandkids, and one lawyer’s ginormous billing rate!

I learned how expensive parking can be, and I even snapped a few pictures
One friend told me he probably wouldn’t have attended if not for reading my blog post from August 5th; and that made my trip worth the trouble. I got to thank him for what he showed me thirty years ago—and again last night: courage.
I suppose all the laughing and the loving will culminate tonight; and eventually I will pick my pen back up to try to write as I verbally wrap my mind around the experience; however, I can say it will be hard to capture the electricity, the inspiration, the joy this reunion has provided to the many who gathered in Dallas after 30 years.
I’m honored that you took the time to read so far, thank you for being kind enough to say so. The grace shown to me over the past couple of days has been heart-warming and encouraging. I hope to see you one more time tonight at the club; but if not, safe travels, may the long Texas highway rise ahead to meet you, and my hope is that you will stay in touch:

©Mark H. Pillsbury


  1. This one made me a bit emotional. Not ready for the weekend to end....
    - ETS

  2. Very well said Mark..


  3. Mark, thank you for the time you took to do this - for me, some 1,700 miles away and wishing I was there, it helps!

    Rick Walker
