Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Coming back to Earth (Installment #4)

Thoughts on my 
High School Reunion

After 30 years I realized that these are my people,
Diverse and transformed but still very mindful.

Cutting through the fray, bringing the truth into view,
Walking through the years was humbling and new.

With knowledge and understanding, classmates poured out their hearts;
Where do you live, howzur family, where do I start!?

So many present, too many missing;
We did a whole lot of hugging and even some kissing.

Happy smiles, warm hugs, I can’t believe we’re pushing 50.
Girls from Dallas were fabulous, and the boys looked nifty.

You’d think after three days, we’d run out of bull,
But knowing that time was short was a subconscious pull.

Which night was most special, whom did you meet?
I came home with a throbbing head and raspy voice, but I was tapping my feet!

After such long separation, what did you see?
Did you hear what I said, did you listen to me?

History shared, good or bad, up or down;
Some brought spouses, some came from faraway towns.

Will you meet me in Dallas, not in just 5 years, but ten?
For a few this was it; we’ll never see you again.

Loud music, cheap beer, laughter and yelling,
If there’s a better plan for ’23, the officers aren't telling.

I’m glad there were no good-byes, we went quietly into the night, the DCC shut us down and closed all the doors very tight.

There wasn’t enough time to tell every story,
Try as we did, we couldn’t rehash all the glory,
Some of us were bigger, some of us were grayer,
Most had some bruises when you peeled back a layer.

Joy, freedom, relief, forgiveness, grace, humility, concern.
I met this with every friend to whom I would turn.

New faces, old lines, new stories, old truths,
Where did the time go? Squandered on youth?

I saw football stars cry, there were heathens squeaky clean;
Some of the nicest ladies I met, as coeds were quite mean.

Schadenfreude gave way to grace,
Humility overcame pride,
This reunion was lived from the inside.

All of us are damaged, everyone by now is broken;
These deep truths resonated in every word that was spoken.

As a large tree spreads its branches, so has the Class of 1983: crooked bends and gnarled bark showing the perennial effects of its growth.

However, the comfort & grace provided by its majestic canopy gives all who see it confidence and peaceful shade from the brutal environment.

I am so thankful for the blessing of returning to Dallas, and coming together again for my 30th reunion. It surpassed all my expectations, which started pretty big, as you read on August 5th  (previous post).

We have a wonderful group of friends and a solid base to which we will return, Lord willing, in 10 years. Thank you for an enduring set of memories, especially Saturday night when Jason spoke. I’m sure often I will pause to remember, until the images fade. 

By then, in another decade; more poets, sages, elders, and saints will arrive with more stories to tell; and I fully expect the relief and gratitude then, will exceed even this memorable event. Words really cannot express that loving spark between two old friends, who look deeply into each other’s eyes and relish the moment of remembrance and celebration of the present. 

We've come to an understanding that aging is a journey with many unplanned stops; and that we are so appreciative to have made it this far. Walls came down and the Spirit entered over the rubble. Loving camaraderie transcended gender, age, body shape, socio-economic status, geography, even history; as time’s leveling effect set us on a course of winsome reunion. 

Soaring on the updraft of good times, I glided home on the long migration south to Houston, landing firmly in reality on Monday morning. No voice, bronchitis, too much unfinished work. 

But we saw a glimpse of heaven and I will never forget it.

©Mark H. Pillsbury


  1. Mark,
    Great posts - thanks for writing them. For those of us who couldn't be there, it's easy to imagine that we were - and even better to know that despite the mileage it sounds like we're all doing pretty well, all things considered. It might well be otherwise, and so we're a pretty blessed crew.

  2. I'm still relishing the reunion weekend ten days later. Your writing speaks to my heart and everyone that was there, I'm certain. What a special place we come from. Not because it's "the bubble," but because of who we are, the paths we traveled, and who we've become. Thank you so much for putting the weekend into words. I look forward to being with everyone again soon. I have vowed to come back to Texas more often as well! I miss my roots! God bless. Debi

  3. I had so much fun seeing the class of `83. I wonder if other classes have as much fun as we did! Impossible :)

    Being in Dallas and reliving old stories, rebuilding old friendships....makes me want to leave Florida and move "home". Thanks to the class officers for organizing everything. The whole weekend was a huge success.
